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INSEPARABLE LOVE (Wedding Vows From Her to Him)

You are the makeup that covers me up with love when I’m in need of it. You are the beauty and the strength that gravitates around me and thru me. You are in every sense of my being and there isn’t a second that I’m not thinking about you and needing you near.
I love when I call out to you from with-in, you always answer by either a phone call or a letter…it’s like you know when I’m feeling you, needing you, calling upon you and you never fail to answer. We are so spiritually connected that only GOD can break apart this infinite union.
You are my twin soul, my Siamese twin connected to my heart of one accord, so if you shall ever leave or separate from me my heart would stop beating, my life would come to a complete end, cause with-out your love I would cease to exist.
You are my husband, my king and I am your queen who sits at your throne with my head held high in GOD’s grace and love; Inhaling every bit of your royal essence, mesmerized by the power that you illuminate over our kingdom of desire.
Forever and ever till death do us part…and not even then can death keep us apart because whoever shall be called to our heavenly home first, the other will be patiently waiting at the gates of heaven for the other to arrive with open arms of eternal love and once again become one!

Theresa Cattouse
Wedding Officiant & Relationship Coach
Twin Soul Connections

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