I Found Myself When I Found LOVE!

When I was a child, I didn't know what love was because I wasn't shown that love and affection from my parents the way a parent suppose to show love and affection to their child. I'm not saying that my parents didn't love me, because I knew they did and they still do, but unfortunately I wasn't given hugs as often as my friends around me nor did I receive parental advice from my mother, kisses ettc. The nurturing motherly love I deserved growing up was given all to the man that was in her life at the time . When a child lacks those things from her/his parents especially a little girl, she grows into a woman looking for that love and affection from people that will see her vulnerability and take advantage of that weakness and potentially use that weakness against her. I grew up into that woman who's weaknesses were taken for granted over and over again until I was tired of constantly being hurt and emotionally abused by the men who I thought that loved me but deep down inside I knew that they were just around for the benefits of what I could do for them and not because of genuine love which ended up being my downfall in the long run...what's messed up is that I couldn't really blame them, I blamed myself, my past and decisions that were made because I was searching for something that wasn't presented to me when I needed it the most.

What I'm trying to say is never deny the love and affection your kids need on a daily basis. That love actually helps them grow into secure and loving individuals not just toward themselves but they will spread that love to others. Then when they're ready to be in a relationship they will know exactly what they want and desire because of the love that was given to them as a child from the people that matters the most...Mom & Dad!

Once I let go of the negative feelings and allowed myself to forgive my oppressors including myself  that's when love started to flow into my life. I realize now what I want from life and from a potential partner (whomever that may be WILL be a very blessed & lucky man) the future looks very bright

Theresa Cattouse
Wedding Officiant & Relationship Coach


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