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You Are Not Your Past

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It just baffles me when you find yourself in a better place in  life, when you have overcome so much, when you finally realize that you need to turn things around, When you begin to follow the path that leads you to bigger and better things, there seems to always be someone lurking in the shadows trying to remind you of who you once were.

Some of us have experienced many up and downs and some of us have made many mistakes; mistakes that we may be ashamed of to this very day. But guess what, you are not your past.

We all have flaws...perfection does not exist. We all have to fall down and sometimes be broken in order to be that strong man or woman we are destined to be.

It’s true that some people’s life journeys are more difficult than others and there are some that just breeze through life with a silver spoon in their mouth; but you have to understand that every single person that walks on this earth life paths are different from the other...not one is the same whether your rich or poor, religious or non-religious, a leader or a follower (you get the point).

Self growth is not that easy to achieve, especially when you have people that you associate yourself with who either give you OR are constant reminders of your past mistakes and let downs. When you are striving to be better human being, you need people in your circle who are uplifting, motivating, doers and go-getters who's constantly there cheering you on and giving constructive criticism when needed. For example, let's say a man just got out of prison and he is trying his best to get back on the right path by getting a job, taking care of his family and just making things right that once was wrong...but yet, society judges him because of the crime he committed in the past for which he paid the price and redeemed himself for. He is forever marked as a criminal and talk down upon even though he is showing society that an ex-convict can change for the better...sadly, there are some ex felons who can't take the pressure of society penalizing them and they end up back where they started...that's where family and friends come in who are the cheerleaders and positive influences in their lives which can help that individual get back on track and assist them with overcoming what has thrown at them.

I have to say that there are people who finds comfort in others down fall and wants to make sure they stay in a place of despair, those are the people you need to cut off or keep your distance from...they are no good to you and it can and will get worse.

The best advice I can give is to continue to strive to reach your goals, continue to follow the path that leads you to bigger and better things and make sure to keep positive people in your life and delete the ones that carries that negative energy and all about drama. Release that fear, get up and get going...opportunity is knocking at your door.

Remember, regardless of what other people may say, do or think, you are not your past!

Theresa Cattouse
Wedding Officiant/Relationship Coach
Twin Soul Connections

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