Dealing With Negative People
It hurts to have to distance yourself from people you once cared about and some you still do..but deep down you know it's for the best because those people are on the same shit and all they're gonna do is bring you down and sometimes with their presence alone. Send peace & love to those people because in their eyes they feel they are not doing anything wrong when in reality they're doing EVERYTHING wrong.
You can't continue to help someone that isn't trying to help themselves. Those same people will continue to be in negative situations and will have to go through the circle of life of dealing with their issues over and over again until they learn their lesson...just don't let them to pull you into their situations or bring you down with them! Continue to send love to them from a distance and eventually they will accept change and be alright!
Theresa Cattouse
Wedding Officiant/Relationship Coach
Twin Soul Connections
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