Life Raped Me

In my life, I have survived:

Death of my fiance 12 years ago...
Molested by 5 years old...
Took advantage of by 13...
I've been homeless...
Experimented with drugs...
Disregarded by family...
Contemplated suicide...
Survived a 6-year emotionally abusive relationship...
Lost my soulmate due to my indescretions...
Laid off from a great job that I thought I would retire from.
Had to let my best friend who I once called my sister go due to drugs, promiscuity and chaos.
Men saw my vulnerability and took advantage of that and I let them.
I almost lost everything when I lost myself.


After all of that I made it out alive, found my voice, worth and identity...

Life has its ways of showing you how beautiful it can be and how it can screw you all at once...

Growing up I made alot of excuses for why I continued to play myself and live less then what I was potentially capable of. I blamed the world for my downfalls even though those downfalls were from my own doing and conscious decisions that I have made.

After hitting rock bottom, I was feeling inadequate, stuck in a void that seemed like I couldn't get out of, not good enough, very damaged, just lost and not knowing what to do and where to turn...that's when I decided that I had to make a change...a complete 360 which meant alot of patience, dedication and sacrifice.

First things first I had to change my surroundings. Your environment may it be a home, town, city, state, apartment, living situation,has alot of influence on your everyday life. Sometimes relocating to another city, state even country can make a HUGE difference in your mental and spiritual state. Yes, it is true that all of the above can hold alot of negative imprinted energy.

And lets get to number 2. Letting go of toxic people including family, friends and associates...I say this because sometimes the people you surround yourself with can cause a huge energy drop within yourself and that alone can kill the good vibes within you. Bad influences can cause a damper due to you tendng to pick up and portray those characteristics...even if it's family you have to let go and let GOD in order for you to start that journey on the path of your success. As I mentioned in my last blog entry NEVER TOO LATE, I mentioned energy vampires who suck all the good, positive energy from you because they hate to see you happy, so they find ways to cause chaos, drama, rumors, lies and even play the victim just to get a rise out of vampires exist, I've seen them in action and they can take a huge toll on your life.

Number 3 is very important...Learning to say no! This has changed my life for the better with just saying NO to the things I would usually say yes to then regret it in the end...I tell people this regularly Don't get taken advantage of. People will take your kindness for weakness and continue to play you like a fool....DON'T BE THAT FOOL...recognize the signs.

You can never go wrong with number 4. This is very, very important...I've learned to be in a relationship with myself, meaning love and caring for myself the same way I would love and care for others but of course love me more in the hopes that one day I would be able to share instead of give my love to my twin flame (whomever that may be). When you love and cherish yourself, mind, body and soul, you give yourself that respect and love which builds self confidence, knowing of self and a higher vibration which will attract the right people in your life accordingly who will also see your worth. When you love yourself more and don't accept any B.S. others will follow suit.

It took 20 years for me to realize that if I didn't change my current circumstances, the same situation but different scenarios will continue to introduce itself to me over and over again..that's called the law of manifest what you think and attract the energy of who you surround yourself with. Every  decision you make, every thought you think, every word you say has an consequence whether it's good or bad.

Take it from me. A woman who has been there, done that and will not put myself through it again. You have the power to change your life. Don't let life change it for you.

Don't let life rape you of your worth, identity and soul.

IF your going through a rough patch and you need someone to talk to even if it's to vent, I'm ready to listen. Go to my Facebook page @twinsoulconnections  (click the link)
Send me a message to set up time so we can speak.

Theresa Cattouse
Follow me on Twitter
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I am a Relationship Coach and Wedding officiant. I love what I do and I do it out of passion.
IF you enjoy my work and writing feel free to leave a small donation to keep my work going.$karmicstar. Or  $karmicstar if you already have a cash app account.
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Thank you for all that you beautiful people do!


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