Heal Yourself
Heal yourself the best way you can or know how before getting into another relationship after a breakup. Heal the peices of you that still wants your ex, because if you force yourself into another relationship just to get over your ex you would be using that person as a void to hide what you are really going through or better yet as a rebound.
You would be craving that connection You guys once had. You would also be looking for your exes characteristics in that person you are currently dating and it's guaranteed to not work in the end...so why put yourself or that person in that situation?
It's best to cut the cord and let go so that you can make room for new beginnings, new relationships and a very bright and potential future in regards to your KING or QUEEN.
Do not hold yourself back from the "true' love that awaits you!
You have to remember that sometimes pain, tears and grief is just a hidden blessing of what is yet to come.
As the saying goes "let go and let GOD!"
Theresa Cattouse
Marriage Officiant and Relationship Coach
Are you going through a breakup, separation or divorce and you need someone to talk to for advice or guidance? We are here to help. I am a relationship coach willing and ready to assist you in your time of need. I've been where you are and experienced the emotional roller coaster of a breakup. The mental pain was to strong to endure alone and that's when I decided to reached out to another relationship coach for help in order to get through because sometimes you just can't do it alone and that was one decision I would never regret. I recieved AWESOME support, step by step guidance, and advice that brought me back from inner hell to the confident extraordinary woman that I AM today and once I bounced back I decided to become a relationship coach myself and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
I AM here for you no matter who you are, your location, or your circumstances. I AM available 24/7 whether its in person, over the phone, text, or video chat (face-time) which also includes emergency support.
Click the link below to book your session today.
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