Something Isn't Right!

Deep down inside we all know that something isn't right...

Let me explain...

It was probably somewhere around 2004 when I first realized something wasn't right..That was shortly after the time that I got my first "good job" out of college...I found myself sitting in a cubicle surrounded by strangers who seemingly seemed to be operating on auto-pilot, I called them corporate zombies...

They would come to work and complain about everything from the weather to politics. Their only mental escape would be lunch which only lasts an hour or less. I would hear constant talk about the need for a raise and all eyes would be on the clock until it was time to go home

Another 10-years would go by and I would notice that I was starting to do the same things, the same routine every day...(not cool)...
Deep down, inside...I knew that something wasn't right...

For most of us, this started at a young age...Very early on, we are taught to color inside of  the lines, get good grades, make sure we are fashionably up-to-date on the latest trends and brand names, hair done, nails done everything big!!! 

I started to question myself...Is this all there is to life?

Don't we have dreams and visions that we would love to live out? 

The challenge with mainstream society is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to life. I wish there was a such thing as an easy button I can push and make life easier then what it is ...To be true to yourself, you have to create your own path...take action and responsibility in order to reach your goals and have the life you deserve.

Your job isn't the end-all-be-all to your life...

Don't believe me?

Ask any entrepreneur out there and what steps they took in order to not become a part of the "zombie society"...

Look deep with-in and find your passion, make the best of it and grow...become who you were destined to be. Action speaks louder than words.

Sit down in a quiet space where you will have minimal disturbance so that you could visualize success and what your path should be. Make a plan by writing down your dreams and aspirations...then put it in a place where you can see it every morning such as the bathroom door or mirror and use it  as a reminder to motivate you to reach your goals.

I love what I do and I share the love that is with-in me by keeping this blog going strong...Please show your support by offering a small→DONATIONS


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