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I Love What I Do & I need Your help!

For anyone who has enjoyed my posts and thoughts these past few years, it has been a wonderful personal pleasure interacting in this capacity through the cathartic experience of self-expression while attempting in my own small way to speak for the voiceless, help the lost and reach out to the community. Regardless of how things works itself out, I will always provide informative and introspective writing to the best of my ability for as long as I have breath in my lungs.

My overall objective is to give couples, women including teens the truth and needed advice in order to sustain personable relationships by spreading love and offering relationship coaching services sometimes for free depending on the persons' financial situation. I am also a wedding officiant and It brings me so much joy bringing couples together in order to start a new chapter in their lives.

I do not make money off of my blog; I work hard to write consistently, to offer my platform to guests, & to personally respond to my readers, because I am passionate about what I do. I have poured all of my own money into my work, because I believe in it with all my heart. I have received email after email from both women and men who are encouraged by my words and daily motivations.

I spend about 30 hours a week coaching and writing online, without a paycheck, and now I need your help. My 2 ultimate goals is to build up broken communities by first reaching out to young mothers and helping them with resources that would help them develop self esteem, self respect, self love and all the necessary steps that will help them to become great mothers and potential leaders. I would also like to one day open a wedding chapel/Relationship Counseling office  so that couples can get counseling before and after marriage and get married in a calm sacred space that would fit their needs.

In order to reach my goal I am looking to raise at least 10k so that I can get a jump start by making this dream become a reality.

If you believe in what I am doing and have been blessed by my work, please consider helping me by clicking the link →Donations. Every dollar counts whether big or small.

Much Love, Light and Happiness,

Theresa Cattouse
Wedding Officiant/Relationship Coach
Twin Soul Connections


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