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The Top 4 Deal Breakers of a Relationship

What would be the top 4 deal breakers a relationship?

1. Sex should be a MUST.
I mean when you first meet someone & there's chemistry you automatically know of top that your gonna have sex with that person so why even consider a relationship with anyone where sex isn’t important.

2. Small children under 10 means there's a baby momma involve with possible drama.
I wouldn't consider dating anyone else due to experience who has small children. under 10 means there is USUALLY an ex some place behind the scenes that you will eventually have to deal with and there is also possibility that you won't get much time with that person either. Been there, done that. That should definitely be an automatic NO.

And speaking of exes, let's get to number 3...

3. If the ex is brought up in the first couple of conversations thats a definite red flag...especially when you start to notice how many times the ex is mentioned in each conversation. If it’s more then a few times then your new boo is still suffering from their old boo & possibly still holding anger or pain who has yet to heal.

You will hear about that same ex constantly & the negativism that comes with it. You can’t save anyone. You should know what you bring to the table... Just make sure that YOUR plate is clean!

You deserve someone who’s happy for the most part & who' has already went through the necessary stages of healing. If they talk about their ex right off the bat, turn around & RUN...or just politely end the relationship. 

4. Last but not least if the person has debt & constantly asking for money every week to cover a bill within the 1st few weeks of you two dating...THAT IS AN AUTOMATIC NO... turn around and RUN🏃🏃‍♀️...or better yet just politely end the relationship 😋🤷🏽‍♀️!

If you have any top 4 relationship deal breakers  you would like to share feel free to shoot me an email.

Theresa Zollicoffer
Relationship Coach
Twin Soul Connections ♥️


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