People often mistaken the true meaning of a mother. A Mother is a woman who brings up a child with care and affection and that could be a woman that is a step parent an adoptive parent, a relative or a woman who steps up to the plate and of course the biological mother...
There is no other person stronger then a woman who raises a child whether by herself or with the help of others and is actively in their lives.
There are people out there who doesn't appreciate their mother or who fails to recognize how valuable their mother really are and sometimes they don't realize their mothers' worth until its too late.
Mothers Day is celebrated once a year, but should be celebrated everyday for the mothers' that's going through the struggle, for the ones that keeps LOVE strong in their household, for the ones that keep the faith even when it seems as if all is lost, for the ones that work hard to keep their kids looking good & healthy even when she doesn't have the time to look & feel her best, for the ones who keep food on the table, for the mothers' who have and would sacrifice everything in order to keep their children on the right track and off the streets.
Last but not least for the mothers' that teach their daughters to grow up to become QUEENS and have respect for herself and sons to be the heartfelt KINGS and role models for their families!!!!
Your mother is your number one fan who's on the side line doing the most yelling, cheering you on louder than the crowd itself.
She is the one who has to wake up every morning to prepare you for school.
She is the one who will always be there even when the world seems to have turned their back on you.
She is the definition of LOVE...a beautiful rose who continues to blossom...a strong presence who's energy is always felt.
Share this post with your mother or that special woman who you feel is the true definition of a mother.

Theresa Cattouse
Wedding Officiant
Twin Soul Connections
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