Starting The Twin Flame Journey
The best advice I could give to someone starting on their twin flame journey (or any spiritual journey, really) is to clear your mind. Reading other people’s experiences of the ascension, or watching pick a card readings, can be helpful occasionally but more often that not it just adds more confusion.
You have all the answers inside of yourself.
Those lists you find online of “the 12 stages of twin flames” or whatever aren’t always applicable. Everyone’s journey is entirely their own and entirely different. It’s whatever your souls agreed to before reincarnation and there is no right or wrong way to go about healing. There aren’t a set of steps that you need to follow. This journey is not one-size fits all.
Go inside yourself, listen to your heart, and take the actions steps that you are guided towards even if they seem like the opposite of what you’re “supposed” to be doing based on what you’ve read.
It’s much easier to receive outside guidance in this space of discernment as well, where you trust yourself enough to know when something applies to you and your journey, and when it does not.
The internet, while a huge help and a wealth of information, can really be a deep pit of confusion and negativity if you seek it out from a negative, lack mindset.
Clear your mind. Focus on your own heart desires, and then move forward in what way feels best for you.
And remember, that above all things you can never “mess up” this connection. It is always there within you. It has always been there within you.
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